Take Note
April 22, 2016
I’ve always wanted to write but I often have problems selecting a topic and being comfortable publishing my opinion on it. You know the drill: write some thoughts, delete, write the same thoughts expressed differently, delete, write again, delete the article.
I find that part of this cycle is caused by me choosing topics that are too broad or lack focus. Some of it can also be attributed to the topics I’d like to discuss but am too nervous to publish my thoughts.
To combat that, I’m going to be taking notes. I may or may not write about the topics in my notes, but I’ll be darned if I won’t be able to look back and have them ready to go when I want to write and publish them. So here’s what I’ll be noting for myself:
- things I like
- things that frustrate me
- ideas I have
To start, I took note on this very topic. Many will likely be very small and that’s OK. The idea is to just get into the habit of regularly publishing thoughts to grow my comfort in doing so.
We’ll see if it works. Do you have a ritual that helps you? Let me know, I’d love to know.